Did you know there are approximately 88 types of turbulence that can go wrong in a real estate and or mortgage transaction? If you would like a copy of my free report outlining all the things that can go wrong send me an email Mario@stcloans.com From the buyers/Borrower perspective there are 32 things that can wrong, from the Sellers perspective 13 things can go wrong, from the realtors perspective there are 7 things that can go wrong, from the lenders perspective there are 8 things that can wrong, the property can have 9 things that can go wrong, from the title company/lawyer there are 8 things that can go wrong, from the appraiser there are 6 things that can go wrong, and from the home inspectors there are 4 things that can wrong. Stay informed, reduce the expectations and be emotionally prepared for the home purchase ride with an experienced consultant.